The following page is designed to update community members about COVID-19 vaccination, and provide them with credible sources. We have also included photographs of staff receiving their first doses of the vaccine, and photographs of our first COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Ravalli Family Medicine.


RFM staff in 2020 receiving their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccination, thanks to Ravalli County Public Health.




Dr. Kathleen Harder-Brouwer receiving her first dose of the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19.

Dr. Lawrence Brouwer getting his first dose of the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19.

Shaun Lalonde, PA-C receiving his first dose of the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19

Allisun Jensen, PA-C receiving her first dose of the Moderna vaccine for COVID-19.

Three of our providers (Shaun Lalonde, PA-C, Dr. Kathleen Harder-Brouwer, and Dr. Lawrence Brouwer) following their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, thanks to Bitterroot Health-Daly Hospital.


The following photographs are from our very first vaccine clinic for COVID-19 at Ravalli Family Medicine.